Table of Contents

Shortcuts in Framework Studio

Beschreibung Shortcut
Öffnet DropDown-Menü "New" Ctrl + N
Navigate Backward Alt + Left
Navigate Forward Alt + Right
Namespaces Ctrl + Alt + N
Namespaces Ctrl + Alt + L
Namespaces Ctrl + Alt + O
ClassView Ctrl + Alt + C
Inheritance Ctrl + Alt + I
Properties F4
Toolbox Ctrl + Alt + X
Search Ctrl + Shift + F
Run F5
Run Without Compile Ctrl + F5
RunWizard Shift + F5
Start current development FSDomain Alt + F5
Stop development FSDomain Ctrl + Alt + F5
Open Client Start Page F6
Open Compile Directory in Explorer Ctrl + E
Application Alt + A
Run UnitTest (N&V Add-On) F7
Run UnitTest Wizard (N&V Add-On) Shift + F7
Online Hilfe F1

Namespace View

Beschreibung Shortcut
Compile Namespace Alt + B
Compile Namespace Recursively Alt + B
Open References Ctrl + R

Elemente (Form, Component, ...)

Beschreibung Shortcut
Synchronize ClassView Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
View compiled code in Visual Studio Ctrl + O
View compiled code in Visual Studio (new instance) Alt + O
Compile Namespace Ctrl + Shift + B
Check Out Ctrl + F10
Check In Ctrl + F11
Search Ctrl + Shift + F
Customization Top Alt+ Shift + .
Customization Up Alt + .
Customization Down Alt + ,
Customization Root Alt+ Shift + ,


Beschreibung Shortcut
Generate wrapper for selected property Ctrl + F8
Generate wrappers for all wrapper candidates Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F8
Run UnitTest (N&V Add-On) Ctrl + F7
Run UnitTest Wizard (N&V Add-On) Ctrl + Shift + F7


Die Anzahl der Shortcuts in Framework Studio Text-Editoren ist so umfangreich, dass nachfolgend nur die wichtigsten aufgelistet sind. Um eine vollständige Auflistung aller Shortcuts zu erhalten, kann in jedem Editor über den Shortcut F1 die Command Palette aufgerufen werden.


Beschreibung Shortcut
Command Palette F1
Copy Ctrl + C
Single Line Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Find Ctrl + F
Replace Ctrl + H
Go To Line Ctrl + G
Zoom Ctrl + MouseWheel
Zoom In Ctrl + Numpad+
Zoom Out Ctrl + Numpad-
Zoom Reset Ctrl + K > Ctrl + 0
Expand Line Selection Ctrl + L
Delete Line Ctrl + Shift + K
Multi Cursor Select MouseMiddle
Add Selection To Next Find Match Ctrl + D
Fast Scrolling Alt + MouseWheel
Change All Occurances Ctrl + F2
Toggle Comment Ctrl + Shift + C
Insert Line Above Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Insert Line Below Ctrl + Enter
Open Developer Tools Shift + Alt + O

C# Editor

Beschreibung Shortcut
IntelliSense CTRL + Space
IntelliSense (Code Snippets) CTRL + J
Toggle IntelliSense Tooltip CTRL + Space
Format Document Shift + Alt + F
Customize Ctrl + T
Go To Definition Ctrl + MouseLeft oder Ctrl + F12
Go To Base Ctrl + B
Compare With Base Ctrl + Alt + B
Method History Browser Ctrl + Shift + M
Code Snippets Editor Ctrl + Shift + J

DocML Editor

Beschreibung Shortcut
Insert Break Alt + Enter
Paste & Format Ctrl + Shift + V

HTML Editor

Beschreibung Shortcut
Rename Symbol F2
Format Document Shift + Alt + F
IntelliSense CTRL + Space
Toggle IntelliSense Tooltip CTRL + Space

CSS Editor

Beschreibung Shortcut
Format Document Shift + Alt + F
IntelliSense CTRL + Space
Toggle IntelliSense Tooltip CTRL + Space

Diff Editor

Beschreibung Shortcut
Next Change Alt + F5
Previous Change Shift + Alt + F5
Next Diff (Diff Review Pane) F7
Previous Diff (Diff Review Pane) Shift + F7
Exit Diff Review Pane (Shift) + Esc